\( \DeclareMathOperator{\abs}{abs} \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{\mbox{$#1$}} \)
(%i1) load(draw)$
(%i2) load(eigen)$

This worksheet provides, what the hyperboloid would
look like, if accurately shaded...
Additionally, a slider-based animation is
being offered.

(%i3) F(x, y, z) := x^2 -y^2 -z^2 - 5$
(%i4) G(x, y, z) := [
   diff(F(x, y, z), x, 1),
   diff(F(x, y, z), y, 1),
   diff(F(x, y, z), z, 1)
(%i5) Gn(x, y, z) := unitvector(G(x, y, z))$
(%i6) IsLit(x, y, z, vLight, vView) := signum(
   (G(x, y, z) . vLight) * (G(x, y, z) . vView)
) * 0.5 + 0.5$
(%i7) L(x, y, z, th1, th2) := abs(
   Gn(x, y, z) . [sin(th1), -cos(th1), 1]
) * IsLit(x, y, z, [sin(th1), -cos(th1), 1],
   [sin(th2), -cos(th2), 1]
(%i8) implObj: implicit(F(x, y, z), x, -10, 10, y, -10, 10,
   z, -10, 10)$
(%i9) start: elapsed_real_time()$
(%i10) with_slider_draw3d(
   f, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0],
   x_voxel=40, y_voxel=40, z_voxel=40,
       L(x, y, z, (f+1)*%pi/6, f*%pi/6) *
       0.2 + 0.5, x, y, z
   view = [45, f*30],
\[\tag{\%{}t10}\label{t10} \] Animated Diagram

The number of minutes required to plot sequence:

(%i11) (elapsed_real_time() - start) / 60;
\[\tag{\%{}o11}\label{o11} 6.225833333333333\]

The machine will OOM, unless it has 12GB of RAM!

Created with wxMaxima.