Number of Inputs: 24 Nature of Inputs: Numbers that result either from adding a pseudo-random number to the previous number, (Low-Pass Filter), Or from subtracting the previous number from the current pseudo-random number, (High-Pass Filter). Based on evenly-distributed pseudo-random numbers from -1.0 to +1.0 Expected Output: 0 if a Low-Pass Filter was used, 1 if a High-Pass Filter was used. Number of Sets: (100 + 100) * 2 "GA_BestTrain.cpp" Best of Training Accuracy: 100% Corresponding Validation Accuracy: 79% "GA_BestValid.cpp" Best of Validation Accuracy: 80% Using Data from Human Program "HLPass-gp.cpp" Training Data: "Out1.txt" Validation Data: "Out2.txt"